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field harvestvideo

An Entire Planet Hungry for Answers

How much do we really know about the food we eat? And how can some live in abundance while millions are on the brink of starving?
Brain scanvideo

It’s All in Our Heads

The physical brain and the conceptual mind are linked in ways that we don't fully understand. A new collaboration is getting us closer.
heart handsvideo

Seeking Real Cures for Broken Hearts

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer worldwide. Fortunately, Canadian researchers are working hard to keep hearts beating loud and proud.
Student protestvideo

Can Creative Destruction Bring Prosperity for All?

Society runs on innovation, but it's vital to ensure the financial and social benefits don't remain concentrated in the hands of a few.
Autumnal trees in cityvideo

Bringing the Country to the City

People are moving into densely-populated cities like never before. Natural systems will play a key part in keeping those cities liveable.

Finally, Some Environmental Good News!

The outlook for Earth can be bleak nowadays, but these Canadian scientists are working to improve the natural world for all of us.
sunlight through treesvideo

Power to the (Innovative) People!

Sunlight-capturing nanoparticles, automotive fuel cells, algae power... Canadian researchers are full of bright ideas for our energy future.
Galit Sarfatyvideo

Breaking the Chain of Human Rights Abuse

Some corporations rely on suppliers with clear human rights violations. The power to stop it rests in the hands of us, the consumers.

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